To the Girl Fighting a Long Fight:

by | Apr 6, 2020 | Uncategorized

Struggle Strategizer: You

It’s hard to be human. Right now the world is feeling that truth to its core. It’s terrifying and beautiful all at the same time. It’s terrifying because uncertainty is overpowering certainty, isolation is overpowering community, chaos is overpowering order, and surrender is overpowering control. Yes, it’s terrifying, but it’s also beautiful. It’s beautiful because we can come to this conclusion together. We, the human race, have an opportunity to shift our perspective as a cohesive force. 

To the girl fighting a long fight, you are not alone. Whether you’ve been wrestling with your physical, mental, or emotional health you can find extreme comfort in the midst of this pandemic. If you’ve been wrestling with unemployment, food insecurity, loneliness, or financial burdens you are not alone. Whatever you’re wrestling, you are not alone. Yes, the pain is real. Yes, the uncertainty is real. Yes, the fear is real, but the empathy others are beginning to have towards you is also very real. Whether you’ve been fighting for weeks, months, or years the world has empathy for you right now whether they know your name or not.

Remember when you experienced the shock of a physical or mental health diagnosis? Remember when you got the news that you no longer had a job or your loved one didn’t make it? Remember when you go the news that initiated this gruesome fight? People all over the world right now are shocked. Their level of shock varies, but they are feeling that shock in some way or another. Some are shocked by the sudden change of everyday life, and some are shocked by positive Covid-19 tests.

You know that familiar disappointment you feel when you have to cancel plans? The world is disappointed by their cancelled plans too. No, they didn’t all cancel plans because their sick, or anxious, or depressed, or broke, but they are sitting on the couch right now just like you have so many times before. Take a breath, the pressures off, the world’s turned off for now. The world’s resetting right now. The world is coming together right now. I’m not discounting the pain you’ve felt for so many weeks, months, or years. No, the world doesn’t get the specific pain you experience. They don’t know how many tears you’ve cried or how many nights you’ve wrestled with anger.

If you expect people to play the role only God can play in your life you will always be disappointed.


However, Jesus is your constant consoler and friend. He never misses a phone call, he never forgets to call first, he never tells you he can’t relate to how you feel, because he lives inside of you, and he’s borne the pain of the world (John 14:26, Isaiah 53:4). Maybe you’re wondering how this message is even comforting because you can’t get that infusion you desperately need or your psychotherapy appointments are on zoom, but that in-person visit with your therapist is the one thing that seems to get you through. Maybe you’re thinking that’s nice that I’m not the only one un-employed, but I still need to pay my bills can’t flick a magic wand, and take away your pain. Although, I can remind you that he will never leave you through thick or thin, and he promises to work all things for the good of those who love him (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28).

Jesus sees you, he hears you, and he knows you.


To the girl fighting a long fight, you’ve probably already realized that every step and every breath is a gift. Struggle has an interesting way of shifting our perspectives, and re-aligning our priorities. You’ve probably already realized that you never have complete control of your life, but you still have come so far. Revel in that truth. Revel in that truth today, every day, and every day after that. Let your heart convert all those accomplishments into droplets of gratitude. Remember how amazing your accomplishments are despite the uncertainty you continue to face. Remember, Jesus knows pain and feels your pain because he lives inside of you (Matthew 26:38, Romans 8:26-27). The world is beginning to sense a piece of your pain. No one can ever empathize with you better than he can, but the world is fighting with you. They are no longer on the outside looking in. We are all on the inside looking out. Looking out at lives we use to know, and wondering when we will get them back.

To the girl fighting a long fight, you already know that chaos and uncertainty have no respect for hustle and heart. They don’t care how hard you’ve worked or what you’ve earned. They don’t care about your dreams and aspirations, but Jesus does. Jesus cares about your dreams because they reflect your beauty, as his creation, and they reflect the gifts and abilities he’s given you (Psalm 139:14, Ephesians 2:10). You’ve accomplished so many dreams and reached so many goals anyway. It’s amazing that you’ve had so many breakthroughs, successes, and victories. You’ve come so far despite having such little control. In spite of uncertainty you’ve have prevailed, and you will prevail again (Romans 8:18-39).

Currently, the world is learning the painful, but beautiful lessons you learned so long ago. The amount of control we have over our lives is an illusion. Every human comes to this realization at one point in their lives. You’ve already looked this truth in the eye, while the rest of the world is meeting it for the first time. Although, the world will go back to normal; do not be discouraged (2 Corinthians 4:16, Romans 8:28). Use this opportunity to express yourself to others. Let them know that many aspects of their “new normal” are aspects of your daily life. Even if it’s frustrating to know that they’ve experienced less shock and pain than you do your best to love them. Teach them the lessons you’ve been forced to learn before. You’ve looked so many truths in the eye, that they are just starting at for the first time. I know it’s frustrating. I know it’s painful to think about their normal resuming, and the uncertainty of yours remaining stagnant.

However, you can convert all those tears into gold if you just remember this: You are more than your struggle, and God is not limited by your circumstances.


For now, take comfort in the fact that the world is aching with you, and when the world does go back to normal never forget this time. Never forget when other’s gained a greater respect for your daily struggle. Never forget when others gained a greater appreciation for their own lives. Never forget when people awed at the amazing things you do every day despite your challenges. Even if they never told you face to face or sent that text, I can guarantee you that part of the world is thinking about you right now. They are lying in bed  at night wondering how the single mom on food stamps gets by when she has her job. They are wondering what it’s like to constantly be unemployed due to a disability. They are wondering what it’s like to always fear for your health because you’re immunocompromised, and they are thinking all kinds of thoughts they’ve never thought before. If you’re a girl who doesn’t struggle on the daily, take this time to tell your sisters how amazing they are. Encourage them, support them, and applaud them, and remember that we are all in this together. We are stronger together, and we will prevail together because we are more than our circumstances!

Never Give Up,


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  1. Sara

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing!

  2. Alexis

    Love this, thank you for sharing <3

  3. Alexis

    I think and my hope, especially with what is going on in the world now after this challenging time passes, that this struggle and tumultuous time can bring us closer together and can bring those who have lost hope or faith, closer to the father and to embrace new beginnings, as well as how far we have to go.

    • Shaped by the Struggle

      Such a beautiful hope Alexis. I’m sure God will reveal beauty from this tragedy. Although it is a painful time, we can still be hopeful that his character never changes and his promises are true.


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